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July 10, 2012

Jake The Snake

Can you spot the two reptiles in the photo below? 
The small snake I would have never noticed except that our smart house help (Ibu Yani) pointed it out to my untrained eye. It is the same type of snake (green vine snake) that I had posted about about a month ago when I watched my neighbours club one with a bamboo stick. Except, this one is smaller.

Yes, it is poisonous, but only mildly. If you try and google poisonous snakes in Indonesia, more often than not these snakes don't even make the list. They have just enough juice and size to take care of geckos, small frogs, and maybe even bugs. I think it's lizard buddy is way out of his league as far as meals are concerned. This little fellow hung around for two days in a tapioca tree next to the wall along our driveway. On the second day I noticed a smallish green crested lizard in the same bush. Pretty neat!

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