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October 22, 2010

At Home on the Sunshine Coast!!

So we're at home with my family on the Sunshine Coast!! We've been enjoying catching up with family friends and sharing about our ministry with MAF.

Last Sunday we had the opportunity to share at "Calvary Baptist" Church in Gibsons, BC. We had a lovely time meeting the church family there and sharing in a yummy potluck following the service.
This coming Sunday October 24th we will be sharing at "Christ the King Community Church" in Lower Gibsons, BC. It's always a treat for us to visit CTK as my oldest brother Matt is the Lead Pastor there. The kids have the bonus of seeing 3 of their cousins too! If you are on the Coast this coming Sunday please join us at CTK, the service starts at 10am.
Also next Sunday (Oct 31st) we will be sharing at "Christian Life Assembly" Church in Gibsons as well. Having the chance to attend CLA again is exciting for me, my family first started attending CLA in the Spring of 1980 and were faithfully involved until my Dad moved out of Gibsons in May 2006. I haven't actually had a chance to attend a service at CLA since Ben and I got married in 2002, so to say the least I'm excited to go and visit with old family friends!!

We are enjoying getting to visit with family and friends on the Coast and if we haven't seen you yet we'd LOVE too!! Please email us @ or call us at my Mom's house. We will be on the Coast until Oct 31st/10
